
How Much Does Hiring 24/7 Emergency Plumbers Cost?

Emergency Plumbers Cost

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The cost of hiring emergency plumbers varies from $80 to $135 per hour plus the after-hours plumbing jobs.

Rates may increase depending on your location, work difficulties and additional charges.

Emergency plumbers usually work outside of normal business hours. If you have plumbing issues that need to be urgently rectified, calling an emergency plumber will help resolve your concerns in a timely manner.

Plumbing emergencies such as burst pipes and faucet problems may cause flooding. This makes hiring 24/7 emergency plumbers crucial. Delaying the work may make the situation worse. This can attract increased costs on repairs or replacement.

What Do Emergency Plumbers Charge for Their Service

Like with general plumbers, emergency plumbers charge an hourly rate of $80 to $135. Prices differ for every plumbing job done outside of normal working hours. The table below is the expected cost for labour along with overheads and profit.


Average Contract Charge-Out Rate

per hour

Sydney$99 to $135
Perth$95 to $100
Brisbane$88 to $92
Adelaide$81 to $89
Melbourne$80 to $87

*Price estimates are based on Rawlinsons’ Australian Construction Handbook 2018, Edition 36.

Asking for written quotations may be less likely to happen as the work requires urgency. For this reason, it helps to become aware of the usual cost these plumbers charge for a specific job.

You may also get feedback from neighbours and previous clients to find authorised plumbers specialising in 24/7 emergency services and make advanced consultations.

Things to Consider When Estimating the Cost of Emergency Plumbing Jobs

Be aware of what determines the price of emergency plumbing to manage your expenses as the need arises.

1. Emergency call-out fees

Call-out charges cover the expenses spent on travel and equipment. In most cases, it takes about 1 to 2 hours for an emergency plumber to arrive at your place. The average overhead cost for service call-outs can range from $150 to $250.

Some plumbers provide flat rates and do not charge substantial fees. However, when the work commences and unexpected issues show up, a plumber might require you to pay more for an extra service. Clarify call-out charges beforehand to plan your budget.

2. Urgency of the job

Typical plumbing jobs done within normal business hours may cost you around $400 including labour and materials. After-hours plumbing charges may jump up to $800 or more depending on the experience level of the plumber.

The cost incurred by calling a plumber in the middle of the night will considerably increase. Also, some contractors will ask you to pay double for after-hours plumbing service performed during holidays or weekends.

3. Level of difficulty

Burst pipe repairs are a common emergency plumbing job that many homeowners complain about. To address the issue, the job will require cutting and excavation work. On average, the cost of fixing water pipes ranges from $200 to $1,200.

Hardly accessible areas will affect pricing. You may be charged extra for job complexities that plumbers have to deal with such as working in confined spaces. The use of special tools to make necessary amendments also influences the plumber cost.

Note: Keeping a list of urgent plumbers and contractors to call at midnight helps to speed up the job. It’s better to make advanced preparations than having to wait several hours before the issue is addressed.

How Can You Save Money on Emergency Plumbing?

How Can You Save Money on Emergency Plumbing

Many plumbing problems could be solved before an emergency arises. Before it causes you to spend more on large repairs, take time to inspect your plumbing system and identify potential issues.

  • Check fixtures that you regularly use. These include your sinks, toilets and drains. For instance, clogged toilets may seem to cause less problems. Home remedies may help subside the problem. But if it recurs, choose long-term solutions.
  • Put off what can be done the next day. Manage tasks wisely. Have a list of plumbing repairs to prioritise. Unclogging a sink costs about $80 to $120.

If no major threats such as flooding are expected, wait until you call a plumber to work within the normal business hours. This is to avoid paying extra fees for after-hours clogging fixes.

But when your gas connections show signs of leaks (e.g. hissing sound, white mist), your response should be to call a plumber for immediate help.

  • Consider plumbing upgrades. It doesn’t mean you have to buy and install new plumbing fixtures. You only have to determine when to make replacements. Regularly monitor your plumbing system and invest in new models where necessary.

Think about how much you will save if you pay attention to small issues.

Helpful Tips for Hiring an Emergency Plumber

Some plumbing emergencies are unpredictable. There are days that you have to rely on emergency plumbers, especially if unexpected problems occur at night. When you have done all you could and the issue has gotten severe, consider hiring professionals.

It’s best to do your research beforehand since emergency plumbers are rarely vetted when a certain issue breaks out.

  • Check if they are registered, licensed and insured. Are the licences and insurance appropriate and up-to-date? Whether they work independently or not, see if they are publicly recognised by authorised groups.
  • Verify years of plumbing work experience. Do they focus more on emergency repairs? Have they been establishing a good name in the industry? Experience trumps knowledge.
  • Get feedback from clients of how fast and reliable they are at work. Are they receiving more positive reviews than complaints? 24 hour plumbers are trained to perform quick repairs without compromising quality and efficiency.

HIREtrades gives you access to a pool of local emergency plumbers registered on our platform. You can post a plumbing repair job whenever, wherever.


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